Impact of Caste discrimination

ACDA’s report ‘Hidden Apartheid’ (2009) found a majority of the research participants identified negative experiences of the Caste system and Caste discrimination including Caste-related bullying in schools. For some, this had a traumatising effect on them resulting in low morale, low self-esteem, depression and anxiety.

Read more from our report here.

Headline findings
300 people input into ACDA’s research (including in 9 focus groups around the country). Of the 100 who took part in the our on-line survey:

  • 9% said they had missed promotion at work
  •  9% said they had experienced verbal abuse
  •  7% under 12 year olds – said they had faced threatening behaviour and 16% verbal abuse;
  • 10% of perpetrators of under 12 year olds were teachers and 42% fellow pupils

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